Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October Letter

Dear King Albert Resident,
Greetings once again from Wally, the RA. I realize that it has been sometime since I’ve sent out a building letter, and I apologize about that. Luckily, there hasn’t been too much to talk about since the last one.
First things first, I need to inform all of you of my “Office Hours”. During these times, I will more than likely be available in my room, 302, if you need me. They are the following:
Mondays 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Tuesdays 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Wednesdays 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
Of course you can always call me at 503-471-7808 or email me at dyerj@pdx.edu.
As some as you may have noticed, I recently posted some signs concerning the importance of maintaining your smoke detector. It is imperative for your safety and the safety of your neighbors that you make sure your smoke detector is in proper working order. If you are having issues with your smoke detector, please contact a member of the ResLife staff, and we will gladly help you or feel out a work order yourself at http://www.pdx.edu/housing/.
Now that we have that covered, I need to remind you of a few policies here in the King Albert. As always, quiet hours are from 10:00 PM until 8:00 AM the following day. During this time, please keep the volume on your audio devices low and please respect your neighbors who may be trying to sleep or study. Additionally, we have courtesy quiet hours 24 hours a day, so please try to not be excessively loud during those times.
If you do have issues with a neighbor being loud, I and the rest of the RAs in the area ask that you please try to speak with your neighbor before resorting to the On Call phone. By doing so, you are helping to establish a stronger community in the King Albert. Of course, if that does not work or it is an on going problem, feel free to contact the On Call RA at 971-246-1388.
Next up, we need to talk about the guest policy. You are allowed to have guest stay for five consecutive nights and no more than ten days in a month. If you have someone who needs to stay longer, please contact the Housing Office located on the second floor of the Broadway building. If your guest is found to be staying longer, then he or she will be considered an illegal resident, and you will be documented. This situation has appeared to be a problem in recent weeks here in the King Albert, and it needs to come to an end.
The final policy I wish to address is pets. The only pets allowed in the King Albert are cats, fish, guinea pigs, turtles, hamsters and fish. All of those with the exception of the cats are only allowed to live in ten gallon tanks or something smaller. No other pets are allowed in the building even on a temporary visit, so if you have a friend or family member visiting you with a dog, the dog needs to stay outside. Thank you for your cooperation.
Now let’s move onto a more fun topic: programs! If any of you have an idea for a program that you would like to this term or even in the winter, please email me the idea. I would love to work on something that you want to do!
One on going program I’ve been doing is the Sunday night game night where we play board and card games such as Settlers of Catan and Guillotine. Several of you have expressed interest in coming, but with it being held in Montgomery, there has been difficulty getting you into that building. To remedy this problem, from now on, I will meet by the mail boxes here in King Albert at 7:50 PM and walk over with anyone who is interested. In addition, there will also be a much larger game day on either Saturday November 17 or Saturday November 24 in celebration of National Games Week!
There will be many more wonderful programming happening in November, but at this point, I am still in the early planning stages of most of them. Once again, if you have any ideas, please contact me with them! These programs are supposed to be for you!
Two final notes. First there were issues with the hot water in the building over the weekend. If this happens again, please contact the On-Call phone at 971-246-1388. They will then contact the proper people to handle the situation.
The last thing I have to say is to make sure to check out kingalberthall.blogspot.com. I will try to keep it updated with information about events and issues in the building. Hopefully keeping us all more in the know! Thanks!

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